Your Contact page is not an afterthought!
I see so many coaches' websites where obvious thought has gone into the home page. There's an alluring metaphorical photo of some desired state (peace, success, abundance, vitality, etc.), a compelling tag line and message, clarity on who the coach serves, an attractive, authority photo of the coach.
Okay! I'm intrigued! I want to contact this coach!
I click on the Contact button and . . . THUD!
The Contact page feels clunky, impersonal, an afterthought. Sometimes it's just plain ugly. My feeling inspired is dimmed and diminished. It's like the awkward moment a handshake gets prematurely withdrawn.
In filling out your contact form, your potential client is saying a 'yes' to you. Don't f*$% up that moment!
I have a lot to say about Contact pages, but I'll just make one point here:
You want to make saying that yes as warm and connected an experience as possible. And that means means connecting that act to you personally.
Your contact page should include the warmest, most welcoming image of yourself you have. Yes, you need more than one photo of yourself. This warm, welcoming, "come out and play" image is one of the core images of a coach's well-stocked image portfolio. (Aren't you continually making invitations in your marketing?)
Some tips:
Warmth and empathy is key for this image. It should say, "I get you."
The photo should take up major real estate on the page. Half the page is not unreasonable. Skip the half-assed tiny icon.
The image styling should be warm, naturalistic and vivid. Don't use a color tint over the photo. That may match your site's design colors, but it creates emotional distance.
Include a brief, personal message in your own voice.
In short, make your Contact page a welcoming experience in itself, punctuating a moment in a blossoming relationship. Allow your site visitor to say yes to YOU.
Own your badassity!